Semiconductor equipment & parts

Semiconductor equipment & parts

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IAI IA-T-X Teaching Box(Used) For X-SEL-J/K/P/Q

IATX  IAI  Add to wish list

IAI RCS3CR-SA8C-1-100-30-1100-...

RCS3CR-SA8C-1-100-30-1100-T2-S-A1S  No Brand  Add to wish list

Keyence VH5000 & VH-Z35 Micros... Please see pictures about the details.

VH5000  KEYENCE  Add to wish list

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OMRON C120-ID217/3G2A6-ID217 B...

C120ID2173G2A6ID217  OMRON  Add to wish list

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Sales ranking

1. MKS 223B-11117-----S different...

MKS 223B-11117-----S different...

Ship to Japan only.We won't ship it to overse...


2. KOYO P/N:FG-01 Pulse Generator...

KOYO P/N:FG-01 Pulse Generator...

With an attachment lug and dedicated socket.


3. TAMAGAWA P/N:TS3510N34E13 AC S...


Replaced all consumable parts and overhauled.


4. Oriental Motor P/N: SS371 SPE...

Oriental Motor  P/N: SS371 SPE...



5. Mitsubishi P/N: FR-A024-1.5K ...

Mitsubishi  P/N: FR-A024-1.5K ...
